Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Prayer Requests

"I'd like for us to pray for the lost and the blind." That was an unusual and striking prayer request spoken by one with a pure heart and a deep concern for the spiritual well-being and reconciliation of the entire world. This global concern for those who do not yet love Jesus is rarely expressed out loud, in front of a big group of people.

But I heard it and was deeply honored to respond to it this Sunday evening at the Downtown Gathering! Sandra is a poor single mom with three teenagers forced to live with her extended family since she lost her home while serving a recent jail sentence. Many people I know would consider her to be someone who needs to "get their life right", yet she is exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit and is clearly a "person of peace." I am honored to be getting to know her!

When people speak of taking Jesus downtown to the poor of Tyler, Texas, I must disagree. I am more and more convinced that the kingdom of God is already near, and my mission is to BE Jesus to the rich and the poor, the old and the young, those of every race and tribe and tongue and nation. The world is watching!