Sunday, October 03, 2010

Half the Church

This is one of those topics that is relevant for my religious tribe, the southern Churches of Christ, but not for everyone. Here's a link to Part One of Dr. Ken Cukrowski's speech at ACU's Summit 2010 titled "What Elders Are Thinking in Gender Inclusive Congregations". Its a good, thoughtful perspective on women's roles in the church. He starts with a review of New Testament scriptures that mention women as co-worker, teacher, deacon, apostle, prophet, patron, prayer, host of house church, laborer, and member of a ministry team. There are five parts to the YouTube file.

On a more heart-rending note, Half the Church contains an audio recording of an interview with some women who are engaged in and training for ministry. Their bravery in following their calling and in sharing their story is inspiring and sad, due to the obstacles placed before them in our church fellowship. My personal opinion is that its time for us all to openly discuss this issue and find a way to encourage, empower and equip the women who are called and gifted to minister in our churches. The world is watching!

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Glenwood Night @ Spring Creek

Come to Spring Creek restaurant in Tyler Monday night for our fundraiser benefiting our downtown ministries!