Being the rebellious baby-boomer that I am, "
Rule of Life" just didn't find a spot in my brain that I could work with, so, after a week of contemplation, training and prayer I arrived at this Statement of Intentions for 2007 (at least the last half):
By the grace of God, and as an attempt to prepare myself for a deeper relationship with my Maker, I commit myself to:
1. Daily periods of at least 30 minutes of concentrated, contemplative prayer;
2. Daily periods of at least 30 minutes of Bible study including weekly lectio divina. I will at first attempt to set aside morning time for this study;
3. Weekly fast day (I think Mondays);
4. Weekly time of corporate worship, prayer and Bible study;
5. Weekly instance of personal service to a church member;
6. Weekly instance of personal service to a family member;
7. Weekly instance of personal service to the poor.
In addition, I desire to make headway this year with these three "Big Issues":
a. to find and build relationships with "fellow travelers" in the journey of spiritual growth;
b. to improve my relationship with my wife;
c. to speak only what love requires.
These are offered out of a sense of commitment and dedication, not as a means of bragging, for I fully expect to fail. After the week I've just had, though, I needed to set them out in plain sight. May God have mercy on me, a sinner!