Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Frankly speaking.....

Frank is one of those mysteries of our downtown ministry. He has taught me a lot, and I must always be ready to learn from him. A few years ago when we first met, he was loud, combative, demanding and unfriendly. He would come in to Karing Kitchen, sit down at a table off in the corner of the room by himself, sometimes one that wasn't even set up to eat at, and start making loud demands for service. He's a big, working man and can be very intimidating. He was hard to love!
But over the years, after some consistent attempts at conversation and friendship, his heart has softened and his smile has become more and more apparent. He still tries to put on that gruff exterior, but a smile and a wave from across the room is now enough to bring that big smile to his face. He regularly praises the LORD and will readily testify to His goodness.
This week he showed up at The Gathering on Sunday night for the first time. He was there early and took up a seat at a table by himself at the very back of the big room. He didn't say a word to anyone all night and left without comment. Oh well, I thought, I'm glad he made the attempt, at least, but chalked the experience up as one more failed effort at outreach.
On Monday night, in more familiar surroundings, he told me how much he appreciated that time of worship and Bible study, especially the singing, and was recruiting the other guys at his table to come join "us" next week! He feels like he fits in well there, and expressed how much he is looking forward to coming back! I was amazed! But, I should not have been; I have seen God act so many times, even in the life of this one big man. Thank you LORD, for this stunning reminder of your power and love! The world is watching!

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